Products & Services

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Piston Filter

The liquid enters from the bottom inlet and flows through the filter element from in to out. During filtration operation the solids are deposited on the inside surface of the filter media which slowly increases the differential pressure between inlet & outlet.

When the desired ΔP set in the PLC system is reached the automatic cleaning cycle starts functioning. During the cleaning cycle the drain valve opens & the piston movement is actuated.

Due to the local pressure drop generated during this procedure the contamination will be sucked off aggravated by the backflow of the filtrate in the opposite direction. The cleaning operation is very fast. It uses the filtrate for cleaning purpose. The frequency of the cleaning procedure depends on the contamination level of the inlet liquid. The filter is user friendly, compact & is very low maintenance.

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Brush Filter

The liquid enters the top inlet nozzle and the flow & the filtration takes place from in to out. During filtration operation the solids are deposited on the inside surface of the filter media. Since the brush is continuously rotating, which prevents the solids from clogging the filtration area, the regeneration of the filtration area is continuous. During filtration operation due to continuous cleaning the concentration of solids in the liquid inside the media increases, continuously it will increase the differential pressure between inlet and outlet. When the desired ∆p set in the PLC system is reached, the bottom butterfly valve opens to discharge the concentrated slurry till the ∆p comes back to the original level. The discharge operation is very fast and its frequency depends upon the percentage of solid load in the inlet.

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Micro Filter

Micro Filter is a prefilter with reliable & consistent results. The filter uses multiple numbers of RIPBACTM Screen with a common scraper. With the help of the drive all the filter media will be in continuous rotation which means that the filter media are continuously cleaned to keep the filtration area always clean. As a result the unfiltered liquid concentration slowly increases during the operation inside the filter. This increases the ΔP and at a set ΔP the drain valve opens & discharges the concentrated unfiltered liquid from inside the filter. This cleaning is done during the filtration operation without disturbing the filtration flow. Due to the continuous cleaning of the filter media the filter is suitable for working under very low operating pressure which gives the best filtration results.

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Desal Filter

Presently, in certain applications, three stage of filtration are employed for reducing the feed to 5 micron before feeding into membrane filter. This occupies huge amount of space requiring number of valves, fittings & instruments. Ell Ess Engineering brings to the market for the first time two stage Desal automatic Filter as a single unit, thus covering the three stages in two units. They use advanced RIPBACTM Screen media in both the stages to give the various advantages as stated earlier. As a result the filter occupies very less foot print & due to the unique design the back wash efficiency is quite high to regain the filtration area for giving trouble free operation.

Activated Carbon Air Filters * Brush Filter * Candle Filter * Carbon Filters * Cartridge Bag Filters * Cartridge Bag Filtration * Ced Ultra Filters * Certridges Filters * Desal Filter * Electro Phoretic Ultra Filters * Filter * Filters * Gas Filters * Hepa Absolute Filter * High Performance Bag Filters * Leaf Filters * Membrane Filteration * Micro Filter * Micro Filters * Multi Candle Strainer * Oil Filters * Paste Filter * Piston Filter * Plate Strainer * Pressure Filters * Products * Rotary Filters * Rotary Y Strainer * Spark Erosion Machinery Filters * Synthetic Media Extended Surface Filters * V Y Strainer * Filter Mfgrs. And Dealers * Basket Filter * Spark Erosion Machines Filters